Monday, 15 October 2012

TH3 PR150N3R

TH3 PR150N3R from David Smith on Vimeo.

Thoughts on video: Video came out fairly well, there are however some noteable flaws within the final product, For one thing there is a problem with the dubbing over a particular scene, the phrase "You are number 6" can be heard as two voices at the same time because of sound errors with both the scene and when it came to the dubbing itself. Other Problems include blurring of the footage due to reflections from the sun, Issues with accidental shots of filming equipment visible, most noticeably at 00:34. Footage taken from 1:28 was taken in a completely different area with different lighting and as a result there is a large amount of camera blur. Throughout the film there is constant sound balancing issues, at some points characters speaking are too loud and on the opposite end of the scale, unbelievably quiet. Hiss and distortion with laugh sound effect present at the end of the film.

On a positve note though, I think that the film has some redeeming features, the music is a dynamic choice for the subject, the acting is fairly well done and the quality of a majority of the footage in terms of the picture quality is nice, also the location matches the proposed setting very well.

1 comment:

  1. 0:00 - An effective opening shot, some good music. Good combination of long and close.
    0:15 - Good attempt at using a zoom here
    0:20 - Good close-up, although slight break of the 180 degree rule; don't worry about it, because we'll be doing some stuff about this later.
    0:28 - You're holding some of the shots a little longer than you should; be a little more judicious with your editing in future
    0:38 - Some reasonably framing, although a little joggly in places. You might want to consider how to improve/ play with the sound to make it a little less grungy
    0:57 - This is quite an effective sequence, although again would be better with a little more judicious editing to create the sense of pace you are going for - a few frames shaved off the beginning and end of each shot might help. A good range of shots have been used.
    1:15 - You've got the continuity of going through the door pretty good
    1:43 - I rather like this shot; quite effective in a "film noir" style
    1:52 - I can see what you mean about the lighting, although this is not so much an issue. The sound is something you might want to think about for future films. Again, some rather effective framing
    2:07 - Sound here is quite ropey as you identified. You might want to think a little bit about the mise-en-scene (it would have been more effective to mask off the background)
    3:00 - Titles at the end are very good

    This is a pretty good effort - you've used a range of shots and put together a pretty effective narrative. You've also identified where the issues were. You've demonstrated a good level of progression from your previous work - well done.
